Read Manic Depression Symptoms extra
In most of the cases of Bipolar Depression, sometimes called Manic Depression, the symptoms are akin to other mental illnesses, therefore, making it difficult to get diagnosed properly. Normally, this manic depression is initially wrongly diagnosed as major depression.
Due to severe mood swings, manic depression is associated to other mood disorders which also confuses the patient. Its not necessary that the patient will describe each and every symptom in full minute details to his/her doctor. And this lack of proper description leads to wrong diagnosis. This is the reason for considering manic depression as incurable or life-threatening in some cases.
So, here I am going to enlist the appropriate manic depression symptoms to prevent you from getting the treatment that is not right for you. But keep one thing in your mind for certain that manic depression symptoms vary from person to person. You will have to see what is there in you.
So, go through the MAJOR depression symptoms first which always makes one confused:
1. Feeling sad like hell or in the blues
2. Losing interest completely in things the person used to enjoy, including sex
3. Feeling of being worthless, hopeless, or guilty for nothing (as a burden on others and on this earth).
4. Lack of sleep or sometimes no sleep at all
5. Drastic weight loss or losing appetite
6. Loss of energy or feeling tired
7. Restlessness
8. Loss of concentration or losing the power to make decisions
9. Suicidal thoughts
Now come the MANIC depression symptoms which you want to know:
1. Energy level highly raised, more than normal
2. Not feeling the need to sleep because of high energy level
3. A wavering mind due to too many racing thoughts in mind and mood swings at peak
4. Easily distracted mind or loss of concentration
5. Getting more talkative than usual or feeling pressurized to talk more and more from within
6. Self-confidence touching great heights than usual
7. Risk-taking factor gets increased rapidly or loss of fear in mind
8. Loss of the determination to complete the tasks in hand
9. Confused mind
These mood swings are very common but if you are a bipolar depression sufferer, then you may have times of mania and depression along with these mood swings. This can really make your life unbearable for yourself or your loved ones. But with a suitable treatment, you can get rid of bipolar depression and you can live a normal life.
An important way for you to manage your bipolar depression on your own is to keep a record of all the symptoms you observe in you. Keep a record of what you feel and at what time. Tracking your symptoms is a great help to your doctor and for a much appropriate treatment for you.
Symptom TrackerNavneet Brar is one of the very few who love to help others in need, just by sharing useful information on anything and everything on internet for FREE. So, go for much more information on what this bipolar depression or manic depression all about as this will help you to get treated in the best possible way. And to get the latest updates on anything on internet, kindly visit his website
Manic Depression Symptoms
Understand 5 Symptoms of Bulimia That Can Make You Look Hideous much more
I experienced a range of symptoms of bulimia during my 10 year battle with this evil illness. Some were scary, some drained my bank account (like my expensive bulimia teeth!) others were just plain embarrassing.
I had dry skin, a heart murmur, grey bags under my eyes and teeth that were crumbling like old buildings.
Yes, bulimia ravages your body. It affects you in so many negative ways. But in this article I'm only going to focus on those symptoms of bulimia that ruin your physical looks...
1. Chipmunk Cheeks
The regular binging and purging that bulimics do causes their lymph nodes, salivary glands and parotid glands to swell. This makes their cheeks look puffy and swollen like a chipmunks.
Although it has a cute name, these definitely aren't cute. I felt so self conscious when I used to have them. I was terrified that they would give away my bulimia secret.
2. Anemia
Bulimics often don't absorb enough iron from the food they do digest. Over time this leads to anemia.
Anemia is draining on your body. It feels like everything is such an effort, and you have no energy.
But low energy is not the only symptom. Sickly pale skin is common and also grey bags under your eyes. It makes you look - and feel - like a zombie.
3. Lanugo (Growth of Bodily and Facial Hair)
Of all the symptoms of bulimia, lanugo has got to be the most embarrassing. Your body begins to grow more hair to keep itself warm. And when I say "more hair" I mean lots more. It grows on your face, arms, back and legs. Anywhere that it can so that your body is kept as warm as possible.
I remember looking back at photos the other day from my bulimia days. My eyebrows almost joined up to my hairline! This could have been the early stages of Lanugo. Yuk! Thank goodness I discovered an amazing lady from Iraq who did eyebrow threading... She was my saving grace!
4. Red eyes or blood in the eyes
The high pressure from forcing yourself to vomit can rupture blood vessels in your eyes. This looks horrible and will make you feel like a bit of a freak.
When this happens, it will happen quickly and give you a massive fright. It can also take ages to heal if you do actually burst a blood vessel.
5. Mouth Sores
Mouth sores look disgusting. They are sore, red and angry. I had plenty of mouth sores when I was bulimic and they made me feel so ugly... But worse than the ugly appearance of them is the excruciating pain they cause. Imagine trying to binge and purge when you've got a weeping sore the size of a dollar on your mouth!
Bulimics get mouth sores for 2 main reasons.
The first is stomach acid. When you purge, stomach acid comes up your throat and onto your mouth and lips. It burns all the soft tissue in this area starting painful sores. The more purging that occurs, the more damage gets done and the bigger the sores get.
The second reason is poor nutrition. Bulimics often binge on foods which have almost zero nutritional value. They lack vitamins and minerals and they don't support the body. On top of that, the nutrients they do swallow just end up being vomited up again. This is a recipe for disaster and leaves the body in a weakened state - perfect for these painful sores. (Geez, you would think we have enough to deal with already!)
Those are 5 of the visible symptoms of bulimia. They look horrible and make you feel just the same. I suffered from all of them - and if you're bulimic - chances are that you can relate!
The good news is, all of these symptoms are reversible. Once I started my recovery journey, I began to look much healthier. My skin became more vibrant and my eyes began to sparkle again. For the first time in 10 years I began to see that I was pretty.
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5 Symptoms of Bulimia That Can Make You Look Hideous
Examine Impulsivity - The Often Understated Serious Symptom Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder far more
In the world of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) there is daunting amount of information available deciphering the pros and cons of inattention/lack of concentration and hyperactivity/restlessness. But when was the last time a friend of acquaintance wanted to tell you about their impulsive ADHD behavior?
I believe the answer for most is never, or rarely, that is unless you signed up for an all exclusive ADHD impulsivity cruise. But in so many ways impulsivity is the one symptom that when combined with the inability to focus, or that bundle of energy we refer to as hyperactivity, that can really produce serious negative life changing consequences.
Think about it. Isn't it that poorly thought out impulsive action that is most likely to get you into to trouble with the law, your friends, your family, your boss, or your co-workers? Isn't it the driving force that made you abruptly quit your job or say something out of line to your spouse or significant other. Wasn't it the driving force that made you decide missing work or school was a good idea. Yes impulsivity can create many different problems and when combined with either inattention or hyperactivity can open the door for a life full of negative twist and turns.
Five signs of impulsivity in the ADHD adult
*Figuratively speaking societal niceties and patience often go out the window. Examples would be speeding through that redder than red stop light despite knowing the dangers, using your shopping cart a battering ram at your local grocery store or supercenter, and refusing to wait in line at your favorite restaurant or local bank.
*Controlling temper outburst may be a regular problem. There is nothing worse than watching an adult throw a childlike temper tantrum when things don't go their way. This trait is one of the more common ones associated with adults with impulsive ADHD.
*The old food in the mouth trick can be a common occurrence. This can be a symptom with long term negative consequences especially in an office or academic setting. It's not all that great at parties or social setting either.
*Intruding or butting into conversation which you weren't inviting, or are unwanted, all the while not realizing you are doing so.
*Becoming more aggressive and impulsive when alcohol or drugs are involved. Alcohol, drugs, and certain over the counter medications tend to remove what little control the impulsive ADHD personality may over their emotions and/or actions thus increasing the changes of impulsive behavior. The frequency will depend a great deal on the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain at any given time and the type of drug being used. Talk to your doctor for information on this one.
What next?For those adults struggling with impulsive type of ADHD finding an effective treatment option is an important first step. The most common forms of treatment are prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall and non-stimulant medications such as Intuniv or Strattera. While effective in about seven out of ten cases all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings.
The risk of side effects has prompted many to consider non-prescription options. A couple examples of these are behavior modification therapy and/or natural ADHD homeopathic remedies. Natural remedies for the impulsive type of ADHD are an effective side effect free way to address erratic, and impulsive, behavior and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other non-prescription alternatives. They also have been shown to produce long lasting results just over half of the time.
Symptom TrackerTag :
Impulsivity - The Often Understated Serious Symptom Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Understand Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Begin A Safe Journey additional
Pregnancy week by week calendars can help you learn about the early signs of pregnancy. Your pregnancy journal can be a nice record of your pregnancy and your various experiences.
Awareness of early signs of pregnancy or early pregnancy symptoms is vital to ensure proper care of mom-to-be right from the time of conception until the birth of the baby. If you are trying to have a baby, make it a point to observe any change in your body 10 to 12 days after your last period. Any sort of change could be an early sign of pregnancy. Most of the pregnancies are lost during the first few days. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of conception, confirm it through tests, and follow the medical advice to avoid miscarriages. In fact, a woman requires due care throughout her pregnancy period.
Some Early Signs Of Pregnancy
If you feel nausea in the morning, or smell of foods and beverages like tea, coffee, colas etc. makes you vomit, it could well be signifying conception. Another early signs include missing your periods, brownish or pinkish vaginal discharge prior to or on the due date of menses, and tenderness or swelling in breasts. Tenderness or swelling of breasts can be felt as early as within hours of conception.
The moment you feel any of the above symptoms, you must not waste time in getting yourself examined for confirmation of pregnancy. Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you must take due medical advice and begin preparations for the joyous but complicated journey ahead.
Coping With Pregnancy
The thought and experience of carrying a baby in your womb makes you feel unique and complete. Nevertheless, those nine months can sometimes seem to be extremely tiresome and prolonged. The nausea, pain, breathlessness, sleepless nights, there is so much to endure. It is therefore wise to adopt measures to put up with this. One excellent and established means of soothing your mind and body is to keep a pregnancy journal. In this journal, you can document the symptoms, emotions, and anxieties you feel right from the early sign of pregnancy until the time you deliver the baby. You can pen down the pains and joys you go through during the period. Not only does this help you relieve your mind, but also provides reference points for other woman in your circle who might be having babies later.
Keep A Track Of Your Baby's Growth
Medical science generally describes the growth of the baby on weekly basis. Most of the pregnancy calendars and guides provide details of baby's shape, features, and motions during various stages of pregnancy by dividing the total period or term into 40 weeks.
From the early sign of pregnancy until the moment you go into labor, you should try to match your symptoms and baby's movements with those mentioned in the pregnancy week-by-week calendars. If you find anything abnormal in baby's growth, rush to the obstetrician.
Symptom TrackerAn early sign of pregnancy as the name suggests is the early or first indicator of pregnancy. When the pregnancy is confirmed, maintain a pregnancy journal [] to keep track of your pregnancy week by week to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Begin A Safe Journey
Understand Chemo Brain Treatments far more
Chemo Brain Treatments
Symptom TrackerChemo brain has a variety of symptoms. The intensity varies as well. With some sufferers, symptoms may last a few weeks. For others it may take years to get over. With that in mind, are there standard chemo brain treatments? What can be done to speed up recovery? What is the best solution to get your life back on track?
The symptoms are temporary. With that in mind, treatment focuses on coping with symptoms. Coping until they go away sooner or later. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are no standard chemo brain treatments.
Symptoms differ from person to person. How severe and how long also differs. With this in mind, chemo brain treatments are different for every person.
Other issues may cause symptoms as well. These issues may also result from cancer treatment. Controlling these other factors may also help. These issues may include:
- Depression
- Anemia
- Sleeping problems
- Early menopause
No drug is approved for chemo brain treatments. That is also according to the Mayo Clinic. But chemo brain treatments can include drugs to treat the symptoms. Drugs used for the following may be helpful:
- Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Sleep disorders
- Alzheimer's disease
The cognitive problems can be very scary. You feel like you are losing your mind. Losing your mind is losing your personality and self. It is one of the hardest things to deal with.
Some ways to help cope with memory issues are:
- Tracking memory problems. You may find patterns that can help you schedule your day so you can perform better.
- Learning coping strategies. Like taking notes when you read something. Get a personal digital assistant to help track appointments is another example. Be strict about putting things like keys in a certain place.
- Stress relief. Stress can cause memory problems. Having memory problems can cause stress. Break this cycle by learning how to relax.
It is only recently that the condition is recognized as real. As more studies are done, there will be more studies on chemo brain treatments.
The symptoms are close to dementia. Age related dementia takes decades to appear. You take on coping strategies slowly, over time. You don't even notice it happening.
With chemo brain, you have just survived cancer. That is a life changing experience. The symptoms come on all at once. You are mentally and physically defeated. That's why it is so much harder to deal with.
I've done a lot of research on this topic. The best solution I've come across is brain training. It is one of the best treatments because it's usually fast acting. Many improve in a few weeks.
I encourage you to look into memory and thinking exercises. Ones that can help your brain repair broken circuits. The best are those that others have used in their own chemo brain treatments. Where they can provide tried and true results.
Thousands have trained their brains to think again. Why not you?
Many improve in just a few weeks.
By clicking through on this link, you will learn what others have used in their chemo brain treatments to get back into peak condition.
Study Strategies to Quit Smoking for Good more
If you have decided to quit smoking, you have taken the first step in the right direction. This is simply because the desire to quit smoking is very important if you even hope to stand a chance, and this is because tobacco addiction is easily one of the toughest addictions to give up. However, you should know that there are various strategies that can help you stop smoking.
Cold Turkey:
This is a method that many smokers try, but not many succeed. This is because this would require you to abstain from smoking, period. There is no reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke and there are no medications. This is when you would experience the withdrawal symptoms at their worst, and these withdrawal symptoms can include insomnia, nausea, headaches, irritability, shortness of breath, body ache, etc. This is definitely not an easy path to tread on and requires you to have a very strong will power.
The marketplace is awash with medication that can help you quit smoking, and this includes nicotine based medication and non-nicotine based ones as well. Nicotine based medication includes nicotine patches which you would apply on your skin and receive your daily quota of nicotine; as well as nicotine chewing gum, lozenges, inhalers, pills, and nasal sprays, which also serve the same purpose.
Non-nicotine based medications include Bupropion which is an anti-depressant that works on the Slow Release (SR) method and helps reduce the withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings. If you have other medical conditions you should take this drug in consultation with your doctor. Varenicline tartrate is another non-nicotine based medication that reduces the cravings and helps control the withdrawal symptoms.
Tracking behavioural patterns is another way that can help you quit smoking. This would essentially prepare you to recognize events, activities, moods, etc. that increase the possibilities of your lighting up. These could include after meals, when you visit the toilet, when you're depressed, when you're out socializing, etc. You would then have to develop a plan that would help you deal with these scenarios.
External Support:
The support that a smoker can get in the form of family and friends can be truly beneficial. If you plan to stop smoking, letting everybody who cares about you know of your plans is a good idea. It is also a good idea to try and find somebody who would want to quit smoking with you. This is simply because a buddy system is known to produce fairly good results. Getting help from support groups is also something that you can think about, as this would get you to interact with others who are going through the same things that you are.
Other Ways:
There are other ways that can help you quit smoking, and some of them include using hypnosis and acupuncture. You can also think about smoking herbal cigarettes, and these cigarettes are made using various herbs, and have no traces of tobacco or nicotine.
Remember, while there are various ways that can ease your quitting smoking endeavour, your really wanting to quit smoking in the first place is what is most important.
For Information on the Effects of Smoking Cigarettes:
Strategies to Quit Smoking for Good
Symptom TrackerGo through Anorexia - Symptoms and Treatment additional
Anorexia - Symptoms and Treatment
Symptom TrackerAnorexia is something more drastic than just a problem with food. It is a strange way of using food, body weight or starving oneself to feel more in charge of one's life, to ease nervousness, anger, and anxiety. Most people with anorexia are females.
Anorexia nervosa can be termed as a psychiatric disorder.
What is anorexia?
People with anorexia have an intense fear of being fat. Their abnormal eating habits develop from this panic psychosis. This cycle of self-starvation gradually becomes an obsession, which in severe cases becomes life threatening.
The person suffering from anorexia is usually 15% below his/her ideal weight and still considers him overweight. He hardly eats at all - may even weigh food before eating it. A person with anorexia will avoid high-calorie foods and exercise constantly.
Anorexia is an eating disorder where people, especially the teen group (adolescent girls) starve themselves - the main reason is to lose weight and turn lean. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Weight loss is obtained by many ways - some harmful also. The common techniques used are excessive exercise, intake of laxatives/ diet pills, vomiting after a meal and starving oneself to limitless extent.
People with anorexia continue to think they are overweight, and will resort to dieting even after they become extremely thin.
There are many symptoms for anorexia; not all individuals may experience similar symptoms. The common symptoms include a body weight that is inconsistent with age, build and height (usually 15% below normal weight).
Other symptoms include:
o Constant exercise
o Loss of hair on head
o Fatigue and muscle tiredness, headaches
o Obsession with food and calories
o Irregular menstruation in women - loss of atleast 3 menstrual periods
o Amenorrhea (loss of menstruation)
o Unusual eating habits (ie. cutting food into tiny pieces, picking at food)
o Mood swings
o Anaemia
o Loss of hair on head
o Fine downy hairs on face, neck, back
o Dizziness
o Pale complexion, dehydration
What are the risks of anorexia?
There are many biological and psychological risks associated with anorexia nervosa. They include shrunken bones, mineral loss, low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, debility of the brain due to lack of nutrients, permanent retardation of normal body growth, development of osteoporosis.
People who do not receive treatment may become chronically ill or even die in severe cases.
Continued use of laxatives is extremely harmful for the body. It gradually wears out the bowel muscles and causes a decrease in its functional ability. Some laxatives may also contain harsh and toxic substances that may be reabsorbed into the body.
Long spells without adequate intake of food can cause fragile bones leading to osteoporosis, as well as damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and brain.
Anorexia can impede normal growth in the young, adolescents and cause difficulties in concentration.
People with anorexia nervosa may also experience mental health problems such as depression and increased risk of suicide.
Common causes of anorexia -
Until today, no definite and single cause of anorexia nervosa has been determined. It is likely that both inherent biological factors and factors in the person's social environment play an integral part in its development. Some experts feel that demands from peer pressure, society and families could possibly be underlying stress causes for anorexia.
Some believed causes include:
o Frightened about getting fat
o An obsessive and constant thinking about their weight, especially losing weight.
o Demonstration effect - If you have a mother or sister with anorexia, you are more likely to develop the disorder.
o Perpetual fear of putting on weight
o Emotional problems
o Stressful events - traumatic events like rape, assault, puberty, death in the family as well as other stressful things like starting a new job, can lead to the onset of anorexia.
o Pressure to be thin and attractive, because of a poor self image, and also to fit into a certain ideal of beauty.
o Dysfunction in the part of the brain, which regulates certain metabolic processes.
o Genes, hormones and family history
How is anorexia nervosa treated?
Treatment of anorexia varies depending on the individual circumstances. There is no one single line of treatment. The initial treatment for anorexia is usually focused on immediate weight gain, especially with those who have particularly serious conditions that requires hospitalisation.
Psycho-therapy is also an effective form of treatment and can lead to restoration of weight, return of menstrual periods in female patients, improved psychological self-image and normal social functioning.
Treatment for anorexia, which includes drugs and psychological support, aims to:
o Bring back the person to a healthy, normal weight.
o Re-instate normal food habits.
o Treat any physical complication or associated mental, psychological problems.
o Bring in family support to treat the condition.
In some cases, medication such as anti-depressants may be necessary, especially people with severe depression or serious obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms.
Anorexia nervosa is a potentially life-threatening illness, and should be treated as soon as possible.
Read more on anorexia, anorexia symptom and anorexia treatment. Also Visit for Information on Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids.